Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Drum school

I am busy,lazy and always tired, but I often start something new too easily from a quick thought.

Yesterday, (but I reserved the class two weeks ago, so I can't say it was a whimsical idea), I attended a free drum lesson.

Several weeks ago, my elder co-worker who loves music chatted with me about forming a rock band with some colleagues. Of course I wanted to join in.

I thought I wanted to play every instrument except the keyboards, and especially the drums, because I like a lot of drum players, for example Keith Moon, Mike Portnoy, John Bonham and Nick Menza.
I have no confidence in my sense of rhythm and motor co-ordination, but I heared training can develop one's rhythmic sense and reflexes. I bet on the theory.
The class will start in September and I can't stand the suspense.

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