Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tap dancing

Every Saturday I made it a rule to practice tap dancing in a beginners' class since last year, but I had been off the lessons for a whole month because of my sprained ankle and suffering from hives. I am not a good athlete, so cutting classes for a whole month is a big bottleneck for catching up with my classmates.
As anticipated, the movement training had made a lot of progress and I couldn't follow them. My classmates kindly explained all of the steps, but the tempo of the dancing was too fast for me to understand. After the lesson I wrote the steps in my notebook for homework, and my classmates helped me, but the movement was too difficult to write down.
"Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-tan. Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!" I realize I can't remember the steps from such notes right now!

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