Thursday, December 29, 2005

Events and incidents in 2005

One day, My husband and I went to a department store two stations away from our house.
In the train I said that "some people ask everything too easily, they should think for themselves to start with. Even if I say so, I think too much by myself and it is sometimes an obstacle to solving problems, though asking is too easy, all too easy." He felt he was being critisised and tried to argue with me.
Soon the train arrived at our destination but our conversation (I didn't set out to argue) wasn't finished. He got off the train and looked at a loss for words.
In the store we chose a DVD recorder and whilst going to the cashier he said "I lost my wallet!" Aside from his wallet, he didn't have his backpack.
His wallet and cell phone were in the backpack and it was on the overhead compartment of the train. He had nothing! I was amazed and we dashed to the Lost and Found office. I couldn't help but complain to him. An officer found it in the train at the end of the line, 1 hour away from us. While he was going to get his backpack, I waited with shopping because I was too angry to follow him. Even if he was preoccupied by my words, he had nothing else. I couldn't believe that he was so careless. I was very forgetful and Mother and my teachers often scolded me, so I was getting to be careful and I would never separate my bag from my body in the train. I thought he was an absentmided person and I even saw that he lost his wallet on our first date, so if I had been critical he would be better for that wouldn't he?
I told some people about this. Someone said men are singleminded and it's their weak side, so you think broad-mindedly about it. Another person said he was not a child, so I shouldn't try to reform him.
I abandoned trying to rectify his weakness. Everyone whom I know said he is nice, but I am still worried that such a forgetful person can have a good job.

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